Fantastic! A more mature themed FF for gamers looking for something new! Amazing storytelling and characters!

User Rating: 9.9 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
Final Fantasy XII is one of the rare games that will change the way that you look at RPGs moving into the future. Just as Final Fantasy VII proved that you could create a long, compelling role playing game that did not revolve around a collect-a-thon theme (example: collect 7 crystals from 7 dungeons in order to the path to the big bad guy. Remember those? FF V and all Legend of Zelda games are good examples), this game shows that there can be a FF game that can fuse both a compelling, central story out of elements that do not involving saving the world and winning the love of the leading lady. In fact, for the first time in FF history (excluding FF I, of course) there isn't really a love story at all. I, personally, loved this. Many times the love story came off as forced or tacked on, with a few exceptions, and gave the FF games a cheesy feel that garnered the series criticism from its critics. However, in this installment of Final Fantasy, you find yourself swept into a conflict that is politically charged and maturely written. Though traditionalists of FF will most likely be put off by these changes, those willing to accept the notion that FF will mature along with its original players will find a treasure that will easily keep you enthralled for weeks and months.

HIGH POINTS: The story is fantastic. Especially the first half. Things start to lose continuity towards the end of the tale, but this is more than likely due to the fact that the leader of the FF XII project left half way through development. However, the story is still among the best ever told in video games, amidst classics such as Xenosaga I and several other FF games. The characters are great, the situations are believeable, and there is still enough of the FF magic and creatures to ensure that you remember that you are playing a top-tier fantasy franchise. Another high point rests in the new battle system. The battles take place in an almost pseudo-real time method, akin to MMOs like World of Warcraft. Myself being a huge fan of that game, I really enjoyed the added intensity of the battles and the more real-time nature of them. Other pluses to the winning formula are the graphics, sound, and presentation. The CG is amazing, with a very Star-Wars-meets-medieval sort of flair to them. The in-engine gameplay and cutscenes are great too, as is the music and voicework. All factors lead to an amazing overall package. Probably the best that the PS2 can offer, hands down.

LOW POINTS: Though this is an amazing game, its has some issues that should be addressed. The story becomes convoluted towards the game's conclusion, and doesn't really match up with the rest of the game. In addition, the ending is absolutely, positively, Wisconsin grade-A CHEESY! The mood doesn't mesh with the rest of the game well at all, and falls flat on its face. Sure, its satisfying in its own way, but its far from great. In addition, the side-quests are a VERY long endeavor, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. If you want to be playing this game for 3-6 months, than its good. However, if you want to find most of everything AND finish the story in a month, well, thats tough... If you have the time to invest, great, but if you done, you may find the game a touch overwhelming. THE SCOOP: Overall, this game is an amazing step in the right direction for the FF franchise. Not only has this title brought more credibility to the franchise from reviewers and fans alike, but it has also shown that FF is more than just a fanboy series of games. It has matured from its original roots, and it is better for it. If you don't like its changes, stick with Legend of Zelda, a series that will NEVER change. However, I personally like new stories and changes that improve a series, and I think most people will agree. Amazing game for video gaming's number one franchise.