If you love FFXIII, you'll love this one. If you hate FFXIII, you gonna hate it.
Graphic looks the same as XIII. maybe less detail in some zones.
Battle system has improved with recruited monsters in your party. too bad we have only 2 human characters in our party.
The game isn't a linear storyline anymore we can choose to go to some place before the other places with the time travel. there're towns (which a lot of players complained about XIII)
The 2 protagonists are good. I like them. maybe Noel looks like Justin Bieber wearing weird attires but Serah is very cute.
And I don't care about Lightning...
There're a lot of mini games in XIII-2 something like Chocobo racing and casino from FF7 is back! for people who complained about lacking of contents.
The main story is 20~30 hours long but you can enjoy other contents and sidequests in the game.
Ok, This is better than XIII (which I love it). don't care about any reviews including mine. you can download the demo and believe in yourself.