Final fantasy 13-2 answers final fantasy 13's questions and has more content but it's not final fantasy i rember :(

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Limited Collector's Edition) X360
Story: well final fantasy's strange game that falls between dragon age 2 and final fntasy 10-2, It's not actually hard noting that game has similaries that really fall towards same place dragon age 2 falls in infact u'll be visiting same place over and over during your time in ff universe but that's ok since battle systems what becomes addictive but does it feel like final fantasy game in anyway? short answer: no and yes....

Long answer it's more towards arcade feel then anything else but it delivers a interesting world easily sucked in with out realising, some speculate this games fallen down a certain path due limitations that squaresoft-enix endures i can't say if it's hardware related since their games target mostly console games but i'm sure they could've made this full version final fantasy experience but they decided take another path

It should be final fantasy 13 that i should be critising because that really changed series entirely but yes final fantasy (13-2) is good game well better then last counterpart but be sure expect more dlc missions traveling towards new worlds keeping on fnal fantasy spirit.

Game play:
Highly addictive and hard put down correlates towards pokemon or monster rancher on ps2 in some odd way, during your adventure u'll stumble across certain artifacts like "monter materials", encounters u'll aquire along your journey, since the rules are: "if you kill it you technically catch it" but that also depends how fast battle lasts, while that closes one question another one raises to why certain puzzles and mini games seem really random and frustrating, is it possible square-enix realised that neir's puzzle plant gardnening was nitemare cultervating a variety plants so they imnported that methord programming variables in final fantasy13-2 well what ever the case this games random where limited exploration will result hours in casino or finding certain artifacts but that's good but can annoy some people

Well depending how this questions answered really annoying when cross analysing it with battle system "awesome" chaotic explosions lovely it's until you focus on background after each finished match that you notice really annoying girly soda pop music, trance has always been best counterpart in final fantasy series or hard rock either way.

Graphics: while previous final fantasy 13-2 looked alot better depending what console you played final fantasy 13-2 on looks very much along the lines as identical but textures seem more dull then before, installing disk makes little difference especially with load times.

Addictive battle system, able to collect aions beasts monsters, Insane cgi that would question why not make movie instead,

Cons: Very easy finish, Very easy leveling up, Puzzles can be annoying, explorations very limited can't say linear but feels arcade, artifacts can be pain obtainning when there's no inncentive doing so, Load times load long,

As i always say if you're a fan then do what you thinks best buy it or wait but since you have no choice and wish to help square-enix make better final fantasy series come out in near future then do so.

But honestly id wait till price either drops or purchased cheap as this game isn't final fantsy i'd take home to keep.