I have played FFVII/CC, FFIX, FFX, FFXIII. This game is superb and convokes the Final Fantasy euphoria... :)

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3
I have played it all...

I have played the fast paced, addicting, and adrenaline rush of Modern Warfare 2 & 3 multiplayer and among many of the endless titles of first-person shooters. I have played spectacular and engrossing adventure games such as Uncharted, Assassins Creed, God of War, Mass Effect, Dead Space and Metal Gear Solid. I have played mainstream and enjoyable titles like LittleBigPlanet and FIFA that you pick up on a Friday night after a stressful week of college...

I have also played fascinating RPG titles such as Persona 3 and Persona 4, grew up to Pokemon and the SquareSoft classics of FFVII, FIX, and FFX... Yes I am fanboy of the Final Fantasy Franchise :D

Entirely criticized because of its controversial predecessor FFXIII and because Japanese gaming is SO drastically different to Western gaming, I have to argue that Final Fantasy XIII-2 makes a fantastic comeback after endless criticism to SquareEnix and the Japanese gaming industry. Fanboys feel unhappy because FFXIII and XIII-2 does not contain elements from past game titles, and bicker upon bickering at its faults without looking at the new innovation and promise of FFXIII-2. All in all, the point I am trying to illustrate is that I have played a hybrid amount of gaming genres and titles, heard and read all the negative feedback against this game, and Final Fantasy XIII-2 stands out as SUPERB in my books :)

Now... after what may have seemed as pointless arguing to you (my audience), I will begin my review for Final Fantasy XIII-2 :D

Presentation and Storyline:
The word "linear" seems like it was endlessly hurled at FFXIII, and with FFXIII2 coming in its way, the fear of linearity hovered and filled us with further doubt. Square Enix proved quite the opposite by creating a storyline filled with choices and branching paths (Historia Crux). This sequel approaches the plot similar to the lightheartedness of FFX-2, which is not exactly a fault. Lighthearted, but at the same time with a sense or urgency and with plenty of time to get serious, the emotional gravity only grows as you progress throughout the storyline. Although you only have control over Serah and Noel, the story greatly focuses on both characters and it unfolds a much more emotional and romantic euphoria that makes the characters more down to earth and realistic. They are conflicted still, but without so much of the mellow drama of FFXIII. Character Narritive was quite excellent may I add! Serah is caring and sensitive to people's feelings and Noel is a noble and brave, young warrior who fights for a future. The objective of the game is simple, both Serah and Noel time travel to save Lightning, undo the paradoxes across the flow of time while watching their backs against Caius ( a wonderful villian might I add ). Once the 2 heroes (and Mog) jump into the river of time, the open nature and grandeur of adventure shines through :D This may have been the greatest improvement many of us hoped for...!!

Not quite as impressive as the original FFXIII, Square Enix makes fun use of purple and pink in its eye-catching character designs and varied, colorful worlds. The visuals are aesthetic and vivid, it does not contain the "futuristic" feel of from the original. FFXIII-2 brings a balanced mixture of colorful and vivid worlds of towering cities and fantasy nature with stark worlds shrouded in darkness and emptiness. This is where the atmosphere feels more like a FANTASY, which I find fascinating! Beautiful cutscenes, detailed character designs and costumes, wide and varied worlds to explore, monsters looks spectacular and imposing... We already know Square Enix gets so much right when it comes to the graphics department... :)

Great narrative, great voice overs, and brilliant soundtrack make this game magical and engrossing! I love Serah's voice actress and Noel's voice actor, they make and phenomenal job. Solid performances from Lightning, Caius, Hope, Yeul, and the rest of the supporting cast. (I could have sworn I heard Naruto's voice actress somewhere...!:D )The individual themes for each character... simply amazing!! Great Orchestra, great piano, great vocals :) Battle SoundFX was mostly good, I like the sound of Noel's weapons when you slash away at your enemies... Brilliant soundtrack, the best I have heard yet! I forgot what Aerith's theme sounded like... :D

People had problems with Paradigm Shift and the ATB battles. It is a great battle system with different character roles, monster collecting is a great, new feature where you can lose hours training what may seem like Pokemon (personally)... :) Battles are fast paced, Caius may seem like a pain to combat (rightly so), but boss battles are fun, and XIII-2 contains a rewarding Crystarium system... With the new element of exploration, it lends to many hours of gameplay, training when necessary to progress through the story and many sidequests through the Historia Crux :)

My biggest deception to this game(*SPOILER*), perhaps, may be the ending... :( For a franchise known to deliver great storylines and conclusions, FFXIII-2 fails to offer any resolution. The disappointing conclusion is probably what hurts the most, although I have not played "Lightning's Requiem" which provides a little more closure to XIII-2.

Regardless, Final Fantasy XIII-2 does so much right and proves to be a better game than FFXIII and breaks expectations set upon it. This game benefits with an improved battle system, open world exploration, and compelling storytelling which deserves the respect of many... :))

Although FFXIII-2 brings little closure, I cannot wait for the newly announced Lightning Returns : Final Fantasy XIII, hopefully, it brings resolution to FXIII's legacy... :D

Anywho, play this game!