wish i had left it on the shelf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where is the leveling-up?????
as all RPG fan will know, the best part of an RPG is the leveling up make your character strong so that you can get new powers or item or weapon, not here no no no the only way you grow is as the story goes you get these crystal and you build up the tree chart but if you fight too much and get lots of these crystal thing you need to wait till the game tell you that you got new enhancement then you fill it up.
too many scene???
god i had enough already by the time you reach chapter 6 with hope and snow you will want to put the game down, every 5-10 step you make a scene
what's up with SHIVA they call them the twins two woman black/white the best part they merge to become wait for it harley (bike) seriously!!!!!!!!!!! Odin looks good thought but seriously everyone knows that he comes on a hourse not transformed into one.
well this is only my personal opinion that may not reflect on other people opinion but if you are like me that needed to get the game because you are loyal to the final fantasy series, then you should get it. you would be disappointed because after 5 years in the making i just didnot expect an interactive movie where you have no choice what so ever. In fairness it does pick up in the last third of the game where you get to choose your party member and feels a bit like an JRPG but not before. It sadden me to see that i enjoy other RPGs more than my beloved FF. One good thing is that we will not need to wait for 5 years for the next game which i will probably pre-order as well and pay good money, hope they do better than this one.