Final fantasy 13 does it live up to the hype? No spoilers
In terms og gameplay its a little slow to get going but once it does its great. I think i was just over 4 hours into the game before i even used a summon. The pardigms ( battle stances ) adds a touch of depth to the battles. On the first disk you want really need to use these but after that its required that you use it. you will never win a battle just by constantly pressing attack! The battle graphics are great. everything moves and flows nicely and the summons are breath taking to watch. If you dont own HD you must invest for this game.
The only thing that hardcore FF fans will miss is the depth tp character creation. FFXIII works a little like FFX did but with little depth to it. you earn CP after battles to spend on leveling up your classes but there is no real freedom but i didnt find this to be a problem. the enviroments etc just want you keep playing they are so nice to look at. i found it hard to stop playing.
The story is another thing that makes this game great. A little confusing at first but eventually it clicks and you understand what is happening.
T|o sum up this game is worth your hard earned any day and if likeme you have played all previous final fantasy's this one should make a great edition to the collection.