No wow factor but I'm very impressed with the storyline and of course the stimulating images.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
As of this posting, I am just in the part of the Cocoon Lowlands where everything in Lake Bresha was just crystalized. Too soon to put up a review but what the heck, I'm already enjoying the game.

However, that "wow" factor hasn't hit me yet but I'm very impressed with the storyline and of course the stimulating images. The unique thing about the FF series is the depth in which the characters and the gamers are treated to.

I was touched with Snow and Sarah's love story and how devoted the former is to her fiance. Even after she became an I'Cie, Snow was so focused in saving her. Well, that's how far I am right now so that's the only thing I can write about at the moment.

I have read in other reviews that the linearity of the game is a disadvantage. The way I see it though, is invite non-hardcore Final Fantasy gamers into liking the game for the new consoles.

I'll add/edit my review once I go further in my FF 13 adventure!