Traditional Final Fantasy fans will be disappointed.
~ The world of FFXIII is absolutely gorgeous! Probably one of the best looking games I've ever seen.
~ The game starts you off fighting early in the game.
~ After every successful battle, your party is instantly healed, status ailments included.
~ New end-battle rating system determines what spoils you earn. The faster you end a battle, the better the reward.
~ You can view enemy status weaknesses and strength during combat.
~ Once you understand the combat system, the games gets less stressful.
~ Auto-attack is extremely useful. Based on the enemies weaknesses, the game determines the best attack to use on the enemy! And it works!
~ Some of the characters are exceptionally annoying.
~ During the first 20-25 hrs of the game, starts off very linear.
~ Combat system starts off complex and confusing.
~ The first 20 or so hours in the game is a giant tutorial!
~ The game's counterpart for the 360 is a different story. The 360's game was grainy and lacked the clarity of the PS3's.
~ The game discourages you to spend game currency.
~ Can't play with all characters.
~ Each character can summon only ONE....well summon.
~ During first 20 hours, game forces you to play with ONLY two of your six companions.
~ No side-quests.
~ No towns to explore.
Overall: If you get the game and don't like it within the first 10 hrs, it gets a lot better within 10-20 hrs. Traditional FF fans may want to stay away.