Final Fantasy never lets you down

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy XIII X360
Square Enix strikes again with yet another Final Fantasy that will keep playing. Though, with their need for cinematic generates a stigma for the game. Though, the sore marks on the game doesn't ruin the game but is never-ending unfortunately.

The graphics for Final Fantasy XIII are just as good as the best graphical game for the 360 released today. Though, it's CGI cinematic cutscenese are absolutely unrivaled when it comes to graphics. You will see some off lip-syncing from time to time but it's so far in between and the anime type camera usage hides it pretty well. The game graphics are right on with anything out today and doesn't fall short at any point in the game.

The gameplay in the game is just like the old Final Fantasies. Since they have not changed, anybody who has played the older ones (granted only the ones with turn based fighting which is most of them) the controls will be easy to learn if any learning is involved. With those that are not familiar with the controls the beginning of the game walks you through every part of fighting to teach you the ropes.

The game is great and you will enjoy playing it and the story, as usual, will keep you going. Though the only sore spots of the game are the camera and the music.

Square Enix loves their cinematic views and the game is filled with them though they are welcome in cutscenes they are not needed while playing the game. The camera at default is fine while in third person mode though even when they allow you to move the camera they limit how far you can move it. Since they want it to be cinematic the camera is not free moving all the time. While standing still you can move the camera wherever you want, though when moving the camera can become a pain because it can't be moved around as easy to see other paths that you can take thereby missing some alternate paths you could take to get new goodies.

The second is the music, while totaly japanese and fitting the anime feel of the game sometimes holds no relevance to the setting in the game. Probably the most disappointing part of the game. While sometimes the music in the game is pretty good, more times than most the music does not match the scene or setting. Sometimes you'll be in a heated battle and there will be slow music and other times when you're playing it likes to try to match the music with the character you're playing with but fails miserably.

Now as a whole the game is more then playable and very enjoyable so the only two sore spots do not hinder the game enough to actually stop you from playing or disparage you from wanting to play the game.