Its called Final Fantasy 13, but it only slightly feels like a Final Fantasy game.
User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy XIII X360
Firstly, I like the game. Graphics are nice. Controls are good. Gameplay is great but, It feels too simple, and easy. And that's my problem with the game, It feels like a Final Fantasy game, yet it doesn't, they really took steps toward the classic Final Fantasy feel, yet they drifted away. Really its just seems too easy, you have unlimited magic, after ever battle you're at full health, which I can understand in some instances, but after every battle? I like the Paradigm system, each player has his or her roles to play, but the problem I feel is the fact that you have unlimited magic. It almost makes the game so easy its laughable, and you don't feel so much a challenge in battle unlike other games in the series. Although some big boss battles are a little tough, they aren't as frustrating as the memorable boss fights in previous games in the series. Also, you have after each battle a screen that comes up, and gives you your overall rating in that particular battle, while its keeps score, and that score determines your points for using technical skills in battle. It is rather meaningless, their is no option of checking your score with you friends online, nor a world wide leader board. So why have it in the game, since its rather useless?
Item and weapon upgrades are rather cool. Story its pretty good as well, but i really don't like the fact that the game has you play and try to connect with every character. Its more about the group as a whole instead of being centered around just one or two select characters. Story while good also has way to many cut scenes, its as if after every other battle their is a cut scene, while some are long cut scenes that bring the story to life. Others are really just in there for no reason. Is it really necessary to have a cut scene telling you that you should go this way, when you're already heading in that direction? While its feels like a Final Fantasy game, it also feels a little misplaced. It really strays from what made the Final Fantasy series. Overall I find the game enjoyable, yet very simple and easy. Only slightly challenging, and a very casual feel. Final Fantasy 13 is a well made game, and it really doesn't disappoints when you get into the game. But it really makes you wonder if the developers were catering to the die hard fans, or wanting to get that casual appeal.