Keeps getting better and better.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
Well at first, like many others, I was plainly disappointed. No Towns, Too Linear, Limited leveling, WTF? I had anticipated this game for such a long time and these are things to expect from it? Then I finally got the game, and of course I got what was expected but being it's a Final Fantasy game I pushed through and found it wasn't all that bad and then it just became great.

When it starts I thought to myself "Man this is beautiful! This game just might be awesome!" Then came the gameplay which, at the the start of the game seems terrible. However as I progressed I found myself enjoying it more and more (I try to steer clear of the auto-battle if I can but it actually becomes necessary at harder points). The roles are what really got me. They are so diverse and every single one is absolutely necessary. I do wish however every character was controlled. This is one of the first FFs that only one possible character can be controlled during battle.

Though leveling is limited at the beginning of the game all the way to the very end it seems pretty balanced, though I can't see why someone shouldn't be allowed to progress if they want to rather than being limited. Only problem is that there are really only four things you can level. HP, Strength, Magic, and Abilities. Kind of kills some of the diversity that could have definitely have been brought into the game. All in all though it's a good system and there are no complaints from me.

As far as the story goes, it's a great one. As is expected from every Final Fantasy game is a great story, and this one is no different. Probably not the most outstanding story of all its predecessors but definitely interesting and it'll keep you hooked and emotional like usually. You'll come to cherish the characters also, except there will be a point when you don't know which one is actually the main character with so many different split-ups and individual background stories of each character. It almost seems as if Lighting is just the person they chose to make you use for a quarter of the game.

Linearity is definitely one of its biggest issues. Until you get about 75% of the story you will be on maps that technically go in a straight line. There might be a little intersection in which will lead to enemies and a chest but it's just stunningly linear. However once you do proceed to the less linear portion of the game, it really does become open. Some side quests become available and you can really just let loose. Only thing though is that with this new un-linear area even though it is big, it almost should be bigger just to make up for the previous linearity it possessed. But once it gets un-linear, boy is it un-linear. Many things become available at that point and you don't even have to finish the story for another 10-30 hours. And when you do you'll probably spend another 30 hours playing. There really is a lot to do once it stops being linear so it makes up for itself in a way.

All in all this is one of my favorite FF games now, although I never would've thought it 15 hours in. So if you are debating on whether or not to get it definitely do it because there are no regrets.