Not as good as the others

User Rating: 2.5 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
The game had serious flaws in it. The music was very very good though. Leona lewis is amazing. The song, hands, which was used in the t v ad as well as the second to last song in the game is quite possibly one of the greatest, if not the greatest, and most definatley not her worst song that she has ever performed in her entire short life that she has lived so far. I am sure that in the very near and not too distant furture of Leona's life, we will have the pleasure to hear some more of her fantastic and wonderful music which would be a great pleasure to us all. Back to the game, i wouldnt get it if you are not already a fan, as it is quite boring and not very quick. (the storyline takes forever to progress). The graphics are amazing, which is why i have given it a two star. (the rest of the game brought it down unfortunately). The texture and detail that the game producers have put in the characters and scenery is some of the best that i have ever had the pleasure to witness in my ever lasting life.