Not the best game or Final Fantasy, but I still enjoyed playing it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
I've played every Final Fantasy dating back to the first one on the NES. The name and experiences I've had with the series are enough alone to persuade me to buy. In Final Fantasy 13, the graphics, music, and battle system and for the most part the story kept me going all the way to the end. I finished the game right at 54 hours. However, some elements had me scratching my head or made me wish the end was near. For example, the story can get a little confusing and difficult to grasp at times. I get the jist of everything, but some parts still make no sense. The extreme linearity does drag the game down somewhat. Chapter 11 does provide some side quests, but I still felt the game was just running in a straight line too much. Also, I don't know why some developers insist on frustrating the heck out of players with difficult and long ending sequences. I fought numerous tough and long battles near the end of the game. At one point I just wanted to throw the controller into the wall. When it is all said and done FF 13 wasn't my favorite Final Fantasy, but it was still fun to play.

-Battle System
-Parts of the story

-Extreme linearity
-Some confusing story elements
-Frustrating long ending sequence