Final fantasy xiii for me is one of my favourites, the story was amazing and i loved all the characters which is strange because i find there is always one i don't like but not this time. I liked having the original or some original summons back and the system was a brilliant idea as unlike 12 you could control what they used (well in gestalt you could). The worlds (cocoon and pulse) were beautifully designed and fun to run around on, I just wish the towns had been more interactable like previous games but it doesn't ruin the game at all. My only annoyance came at the fact you could only pick your team on chapter 10 and i didn't like having no control over who my party leader was which was annoying lol but something i got over quickly. Once your on pulse the game opens up immensely and side quest become available these are know as marks so if you played 12 you will be familiar with them, although not as hard as the arena on 10 they still present a challenge especially if you want the achievements.All in all the game was one of the best RPGs i have played this year and definitely worth the money i clocked 199 hours.45min.52secs not bad if i do say so myself so if you love final fantasy and embrace change this is definitely one for you
While looking through the three reviews I've written up for this site, I noticed they were all pretty negative, with none of the games getting more than a five out of me. Well, it's about time I remedied that situation, ... Read Full Review
I hesitate to review the game seeing as I've only played 23 hours of it, but I can at least offer initial perspectives. And I want to start by saying the only other Final Fantasy games I've played all the way through are... Read Full Review