If you are buying this game just because it's an RPG think twice because it is not
I can tell you right now that i am very disappointed in the game and if this is what Final Fantasy has always been then i simply don't understand what sets it apart from any other game.
My main disappointment is that the fighting is very weak and hard to understand, it is actually very boring to fight and just makes you wanna wish the fight was over already.
I also thought that it being an RPG you would have more options in the game but it seems you have as little options through the game as a regular First Person Shooter.
The graphics are very nice and it is a very colorful game but other than the nice graphics the gameplay is very boring, i also have found the story to be bland and just an excuse to have Lightning fight whatever it is that she is fighting, so other than the graphics being nice and lightning being hot, i did not find anything else of interest here.
I have not finished the game and i don't plan to, i know this game is very long and i don't plan to waste 50 hours on such a boring thing.