Now that I've gotten my hand with the newest game of this great franchise, I was very excited.
User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
Being a die-hard-fan to the series of Final Fantasy since my school hood, I've played numerous Final Fantasy series from Final Fantasy VII to Final Fantasy IX at the PSOne which were very enjoyable and memorable. Now that I've gotten my hand with the newest game of this great franchise, I was very excited. My first impression; the graphics were superb! A full HD game fully utilize the most out of Playstation 3 was truly unbelievable. Watching the cut scenes was like enjoying a full resolution movie with epic animation. The battle system worked great, requiring fast reflexes and forced me to master every moves and skills to cope with enemies' weaknesses. What disappointed me a little was the game play itself, which was very linear and too straight forward, as I just need to run through long walkways without being able to venture through beautiful cities. Despite the linear game play, the side-quests were really engaging, forced me to spend many hours just to solve a few side-quests. In all, to really finish this game hundred per cent, it takes a really great deal of time, hundreds of hours of playing and patience to train your characters to push them all to the limits.