Awesome. Snappy, right to the point. Full of new things to learn yet it's enjoyable!
At first it was awkward learning the battle system and how it all worked out but it grows on you... and I found myself wanting more and more. When I told myself to put down my controller because I had something more to do, I was unable to do so because I craved more from the game. How it all built up to portay the struggles that the characters - Lightning, Snow, Hope, Vanille and so on - have had gone through with the l'Cie, and how they came to have their own Focus.... it's just a wonderful story that you find yourself wanting to know more about the characters and see how it all turns out for them in the end.
There's a lot of information regarding the game, the battle strategies, how to develop the characters' powers, what weapon to equip, how to get through boss battles and finding treasures.... it's just a fabulous RPG game that I most definitely find myself enjoying more than I enjoyed the previous Final Fantasy games.