Awesome. Snappy, right to the point. Full of new things to learn yet it's enjoyable!

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
I actually was unsure about this game since I've heard about a few reviews that didn't give it such a good score, but I sucked it up and bought this game. It's a purchase that I don't regret.
At first it was awkward learning the battle system and how it all worked out but it grows on you... and I found myself wanting more and more. When I told myself to put down my controller because I had something more to do, I was unable to do so because I craved more from the game. How it all built up to portay the struggles that the characters - Lightning, Snow, Hope, Vanille and so on - have had gone through with the l'Cie, and how they came to have their own Focus.... it's just a wonderful story that you find yourself wanting to know more about the characters and see how it all turns out for them in the end.
There's a lot of information regarding the game, the battle strategies, how to develop the characters' powers, what weapon to equip, how to get through boss battles and finding treasures.... it's just a fabulous RPG game that I most definitely find myself enjoying more than I enjoyed the previous Final Fantasy games.