A boring game with nothing except the GRaphics

User Rating: 2 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
The game is absolutely boring. Its a 60 hours boring game with almost nothing to enjoy.
Fun Factor-0/10 Trust me guys, this game isnt worth even looking at. The good cutscenes may amaze you but there is nothing beyond that.
The AI is stupid. You stand in front of the villain and he wont even attack you. I dont know why it is so overrated but it is no more than 2 out of 10. The protagonist is all messed up and is stupid. I rented the game, played the first level and returned it the next day. It is the worst game I have ever seen
Moreover it is absolutely a dumb game. Just take away the graphics and the name from the game. Its nothing else. This game is the worst game in the series. When I saw the International trailer, I was crazy to buy the game. But as I played it it took my craziness away. What happened to Square Enix. They were doing finejob with FF12 and the earlier games. But this game is the worst in the series. It insults the PS3. I am blaming my for why I chose this game instead of GOW 3 but God of war 3 is 100 times better than this game.