Final Fantasy XIII is a solid game with some flaws.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
This is coming from someone who has never played any Final Fantasy before.

The game features an amazing intro movie and really good graphics and C.G.I cutscenes to back it up. The game starts in the action with some basic details and teaches how to play as you go. I found it to be paced really well as it is set up to tell you what to do/how to do it with a quick box of text and then gives you control straight back. As the game unfolds you will learn more and get more different attack moves and such.

The game is extremely linear and most of the time it is you running in almost a straight narrow set path fighting to make it to the next cut scene. People may look down on this but it hasn't bothered me too much except for when I play the game for long periods of time I get sick of going in a straight line doing the same thing. Every now and then the game will spice things up with a boss battle or a twist in the plot which will keep you interested.

The frame rate does good and when it drops under 30 it wont stay down for to long to be a problem and I haven't noticed much, if any screen tearing. The game supports 1080p which is a boost to those that love the quality.

This quick summary says that while the game can bore you, it can also throw something new in and change your way of thinking and how you view a character. If you like story and emotion driven characters I would pick Final Fantasy XIII.