This game's battle system may differ from other FF games but it is really fast paced and it is still a tactical game! :D

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XIII PS3
I've written a few reviews before and it's quite long so lets get started!! :D

I like starting with the graphics :P. The graphics in this game is simply amazing and it is very attractive. First and for most is the Character models. I can say all the Characters in this game are very detailed. Well I played it on a PS3 so I don't know about the 360 version but I reckon it's good as well. From the characters you use up to the Feral creatures, the bosses and the military units are very detailed. Secondly, is the environment. The environments that you find in FF 13 are highly detailed and innovative because everything feels so beautiful and never before seen, but alas (spoiler) after u finish the game there's only certain places that u can revisit.

The story in this game is really heart-warming and touching which is mainly about 6 unlikely heroes bound to one fate and one mission which is....I ain't gonna tell you guys, find it out yourselves. All you guys need to know that this time the protagonist is a female (like FFX-2, remember Yuna :D) named Lightning who has a dark past that you will learn throughout the game and you will also learn her real name which is.....find out yourselves :P

The battle system is great which is my opinion.. what SE basically did was made the battles much more fast paced and much more exciting. The main thing they did was they introduced a new system which is known as 'PARADIGM' which basically lets u arrange your own strategies that you are most comfortable with and which you feel is most effective and during battles you can shift the paradigm according to the situation you are in. I know it's not like the past FF games but with this system, battles (I SAY IT AGAIN) are more fast paced and with appropriate options to attack, defend, weaken the enemy, strengthen or heal your allies. There are SIX roles for each character which is COMMANDO, RAVAGER, SABOTEUR, SYNERGIST, SENTINEL and MEDIC. You can only control 1 character at a time and the other two is control by the AI (not like past FF games).

Now let's talk about Character advancement (upgrading your characters). Character advancement is handled through a process known as CRYSTOGENESIS, it's basically when u win a battle you earn CRYSTOGEN POINTS (CP) u can use that points to upgrade your character. You have to spend those points in this cycle which is known as CRYSTARIUM and through this cycle is where you basically spend your points to develop or learn new abilities for your characters (kinda like FFX, the upgrading cycle part I mean). The Weapons that you will find in this game is not a lot but most of them are effective which really depends on you and the character, it's like whether you want your character to have more strength or more magic but all I can say is check internet sources to see which weapon is the best and suits you well because believe me You don't want to upgrade the wrong weapon.

Now here's the bad part which is weird for a FF game to be bad at this thing which is Exploration. Here's the thing, though the graphics may be immersive and beautiful which sucks you in but the (only)bad thing you'll find in this game is the Linearity, which is a real let down because I(and many others) were looking forward to the exploration part of this game and because of the Linearity you feel as if you are being spoon feed on where to go and what to do next which again I say is a major let down because most of us like being lost in the game and slowly emerge and finding out what to do next.

I can't say much about music but overall I feel it's good and it is in par with the game and the situation you are in everytime. The amount of events that you will go through in the game is a lot and all I can say is enjoy the music all the way as well because the whole package of this game is simply intoxicating.

Overall the game is AWESOME and you should not let some minor things hold you back such as the Linear maps and the battle system(which is great). This game is long I would say at a pro level it will probably take you 50-60 hours to complete or less but for guys like me who like to take it easy will probably take less than 70 hours to complete and BELIEVE me this game has at least 60 side missions to complete which is like bonus content so that will keep you busy for a while..All in all this game is awesome and I recommend this to Veterans of the FF series and also newcomers who like to give it a try..This is ryzrocks signing off..and the only reason I made the review late is to commemorate FFXIII-2 which I am really looking forward to.. :D :D :D :D