Despite some uniqueness it is an ultimately grindy MMO with stagnant combat.
FF fans will take to the world immediately, at least so I have been told. I am not much for this style so it is all a little weird to me. So for players like me you have to make up for that in other ways, and FF comes up short there.
First of all FF doesn't know if it wants to be old school or post WoW. I thought this game was going to have more of an old school feel to it but it disappoints. Unless of course by old school they mean old school WoW go kill 10 of these and return, then fetch me 5 of these, rinse, repeat. Same old boring MMO questing. It tries to be new school as well with Fates, which basically are like dynamic events in Guild Wars 2. So you will have people zerg back and forth as these pop up, typically it is a zergilicious mess and you will be struggling to get a hit in without a group. The sense of community is lost somewhere with these mindless zerglings that look like a ball of bots racing between Fates.
The cross class system was a great idea, but poorly done. So you can have all of your alt classes on one toon, pretty cool huh? Problem is all of those quests you did to level your first few? Poof....gone. You will be stuck grinding Fates with the rest of the World War Z zombie mob or dungeons.
Speaking of dungeons....your main story quest is vital to do in so many ways. You cannot even get your first mount until you progress through the story quest to a certain point. Three times before that you will be forced to run 3 separate dungeons as part of your main story quest. So the game stops you cold and forces you to queue up for these things, and if you are dps get ready for queue times into the hour range. In the meantime you are stuck grinding our Fates or what have you.
The combat is slow and boring in my opinion. It is tab target style which is fine when one correctly, but it just feels very slow and it seems you have to use the same rotation no matter what the fight. Boring.
That's all I want to even write about, basically very disappointed with the game.