I'm only a few hours into the game,but based on what I've seen and experienced, I'm loving it.
"Really, don't let the haters ruin it for you. And, how much could the haters have played since it was JUST released here?
This is the FF mmo that FF fans have been wanting. It offers a lot for the FF XI fan (you will see plenty of familiar faces) and a great alternative to WoW.
Gone is the annoying PlayOnline viewer and all the screens you had to navigate through to play the previous online FF. Now we have the basic PC start screen that is common to most games. Getting the patches was a bit long because of the updater's reliance on p2p file sharing for patch files, which has always been slow in my experience with other games, and this is no exception.
My only complaint isn't really a complaint, but more of a personal obstacle: There is a slight learning curve I'm experiencing as I'm mastering the controls and interface, but I find that I am easily adapting to it. And configuring my 360 controller was very easy.
I will write more once I've played more, but now I MUST get back into the game!"
Well, I got back to the game. Again and again and again. I must admit I do find enjoyment in it, but, and this is a big BUT, where are my storylines? And the quests, well, they get very repetitious. While the game is beautiful, and the graphics are amazing (if you have a PC that can handle it), this game lacks substance.
Square Enix did offer an apology to those who bought and played the game. They replaced a lot of the team working on it, and they promised major changes based on consumer feedback and reviews. Well, I'm waiting. And I'll continue to wait.
Come on, Square Enix, give me that game that we all so anxiously awaited.