GREAT game once you figure out HOW to play it. Bazaar system sucks but heard they are fixing it (they better). No PvP?

User Rating: 7.5 | Final Fantasy XIV Online PC
As I stated the game started out difficult cause I couldn't figure out what to do (Instruction manual tells nada). Once I got a hang of the basics I soared throught the levels. It really will be an awsome game once they work the glitches out.

The Good:
The Armoury System in the game is unique and refreshing, cause I love alts (get bored easily) so now I can change classes without having to go through the beginning lvls again, you just have to work your skill points up.

The graphics in this game are beautiful and the monsters are refreshing and unique to Squaresoft, sorry Square-enix.

The Bad:
The only things I have against the game so far is most definitely the auction house,or lack of AH rather; but I hear they are going to fix that in upcoming patches.

The other is targeting system in battle. nothing sucks more than getting hit by something right in front of you and targeting a creature several yards away from you...need to fix for sure.

The Ugly:
The characters are hard to control at first but you get used to it quickly...word of advice if you have a controller for your pc set it up it will make the game flow much easier.

Word of advice wait a couple weeks 'til they get some of the major inconveniences worked out (should have worked out in beta test) then give her a try, basically my stance is if they don't have the kinks out by my first payment I'm going back to Aion.