Starting off with Combat and feel;
The combat is quick and functional however at times feels lacking. Combos are learned as you play but most are easily mixed with others making later game combat a mish-mash of the same attacks doubled on accident.
This brings us to dialog;
The voice lines were delivered well, often you can get a sense of personality from the first interaction leading to a better connection for later game events. Character movement in conversations look far more natural then previous final fantasy iterations.
This leads into the story;
The story is something I did not expect, it takes the traditional Final Fantasy adventure and wraps it in a captivating way, parts feel like the game was made by a different team however it adds to the confusion of the world caused by the actions you took.
In conclusion;
With all the talk leading up to this one I was expecting to just let it pass on by like the last few final fantasy games. Trying a few here and there only to be disappointed with combat and feel and an overused story, I don’t fault the team or the franchise itself, it's on the 16th mainline title, it's gonna get old fast if the right direction isn’t taken.
I wasn’t expecting much when I downloaded the demo, starting off I didn’t think I’d ever finish, but then, I did. If you have been on the fence, catch it on a sale, if you have been wanting to play it, get it. I found that this game was still enjoyable to play with a busy schedule, putting it down and picking it up didn’t diminish game play one bit.
I wasn’t expecting much when I downloaded the demo, starting off I didn’t think I’d ever finish, but then, I did. If you have been on the fence catch it on a sale, if you have been wanting to play it, get it. I found that this game was still enjoyable to play whit a busy schedule, putting it down and picking it up didn’t diminish game play one bit.