The game that defined the RPG genre.

User Rating: 8.6 | Final Fantasy NES
The Good: All your basic RPG elements; Good long simple quest

The Bad: Graphics and Animation could've been done better; The annoyance and tediousness from random encounters in RPGs
Squaresoft was a company going down hill. They weren't making any success. So they decided to make one last game and hope to God that it makes them a bit of money. This game was called Final Fantasy. It basically was a final fantasy for Squaresoft. However, what came from this simple RPG was a long series that's still going on today. Back then, they thought that Final Fantasy was going to be their last game. Though 17 years later, they're creating the 13th installment of the series (plus tons of side games and remakes). So with this game, Squaresoft went from a failing nobody to one of the masters of the RPG genre.

Square-Soft/Enix is known for their deep storylines, but they had to start somewhere. This game takes place in a magical medieval setting. You start the game by selecting four characters with a variety of simple classes and naming them. These four characters stay with you through the whole game, and will be known as "Light Warriors." Your goal in this game is to travel the world and vanquish all the evil. Throughout the game, you get a variety of different tasks. It's a simple storyline, but like I said before, you have to start somewhere.

This game is known as the definition of an RPG. If you want to play a classic RPG, look no further. You travel a world map. You face random encounters. You go through dungeons and defeat bosses. You buy weapons from the gil you get from your encounters. You make your characters stronger by leveling up, which you do from gaining experience, which you get from those random encounters. This is a pure RPG. Nothing complicated. If you are an RPG fan, then there is nothing to complain about this game gameplay-wise. Though yes, those random encounters are annoying. Though if you run from them, the bosses will absolutely crush you. This game is old. All old games are challenging in some ways. Whenever you can, you will need to level up. It does get annoying and tedious, but like I said, this is a pure classic RPG.

The graphics aren't impressive. This game is from 1990, and I've seen games from before this year that had better graphics. No, the graphics aren't bad in anyway. It's just that they aren't impressive. Plus there is very little animation. As for the sound and music, it's classic. A lot of the tunes are memorable. This is a fairly long game. There is much to do, making it a long quest.

If you are looking for a good old classic RPG, then look no further. This is your standard RPG. Random encounters, tough high-level bosses, simple weapon attacks, classic magic attacks, simple items like the Phoenix Down, and yeah, that's pretty much Final Fantasy, the game that defined the genre. This game is for RPG fans like Super Mario Bros is for side-scroller fans. This game is a true classic and is definitely worth a play-through.