This is a great game for any old style rpg lovers.
User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy NES
This game takes a long time to really understand it, the plot is simple for the most part.The sound track in this game is absolutely great. If you like that old style kind of game music like in mario or pokemon. I love that music and this game really reminded me of my younger days playing pokemon. Thats not all this game reminds me of, the game looks very much like a first generation pokemon game in color. This games graphics are outdated but it is such an old game after all. The gameplay is great, if you like how pokemon plays then you will most likley enjoy this. In the begining you choose a team of four. I would reccomend starting with a fighter, thief, Black mage and a white mage. Alot of other combos i have tried didnt work out so well. The game has a steep learning curve because in the beginig of the game the monsters are about an equal level as you. It wont be till your team is levels 2's and 3's that it will start to really get fun. I have only begun this amazing game but so far i have not seen any connections from final fantasy to any of the later games. So if you are looking for a story you might be out of luck.