Bad bad bad, I have played some really bad games in my time and this one is just as bad. It looks dreadful and seems like something i would played a long time ago. I got an hour into it and thought that this is nearly as good as Dead to Rights 2, but that amused me that little bit more, only cause of the dog attacks.
I would avoid this game even if you were given if for a birthday present. Ideal game playing situation would be playing it whilst totally drunk or stoned. Cause then it wouldn't make any difference how bad it was cause you just wouldn't care.
By cosmostein77 | Review Date: Mar 02, 2006 | XBOX
I hate that games like this are just being SLAUGHTED by reviews everywhere, This game should not be held to the same standards as todays games because it simply is not aimmed at the same users. From a Gameplay stance... Read Full Review
By edubuccaneer | Review Date: Mar 10, 2006 | XBOX
Final Fight was 'the' thing over at arcades and the SNES during the 90s. Everyone loved it. All the characters had their own moves and the first game went on to become a classic. It quickly received two sequels, whic... Read Full Review