If you are too young to have played the SNES version then don't even bother, but for those of us 25+ Gamers its not bad
From a Gameplay stance, its very clunky but Final Fight always was and thats what made it Final Fight, it is basically a series that is nothing more then a Generic throw back to the days of SNES and NES where a storyline was secondary and cheesey dialoge and cut scenes were KING.
The game itself is pretty well a 3D version of Final Fight, but its much more free range and much like the original it has the GIANT arrow pointing the direction that you need to go, the sidequests are simply nuts scwash bugs in my store and I will help you sort of deal, but thats what I miss about old school titles how simply stupid they were the whole "buying a Bazoka at a convinence store" factor. Or eating a steak in the middle of a battle to bring your health up.
Playing this game simply takes me back to the HOURS I spent in my grade school days playing streets of rage for genesis.
Graphically, ****
The game looks so bland and generic is almost hurts my eyes
I can say almost the same thing for the cheesey sound.
But the MOST interesting thing is that it has not left my Xbox for the last two days, I have played it up and down and I will play it as soon as I get home.
Its just FUN, plain and simple
Not flashy, not full of deep storyline or even realistic reasons for why you are carrying a pipe on a Subway,
Just Fun.
Its not nearly as bad as the reviews would lead to believe, well worth a rental, but again if you are younger then say 24? you will hate this game.