Take off the nostalgia goggles. Capcom rips you off again!
Story: Simple yet effective. haggar becomes mayor and claims to clean up metro city, madgear kidnaps his daughter, then her boyfriend says AW HELL NO! then takes his friend guy down to literally beat he hell out of these people. Mad Gear don't know what him. Instant classic. There are new cutscenes before boss fights, but they're just place holders to make you think capcom took some work to make this crap.
Music/Sound: Everything about this game sounds WORSE on the GBA, and the songs are crud. Boo.
Characters: They're just as dull and boring as before. No real development to show their own personalities just generic "I will beat madgear" they're like friggin robots I swear.
Then again...it's a port...but COME ON! Update it like you MEAN IT!
Gameplay: No real improvements. Granted, a port will be a port, but there's nothing new here. Just mash attack until the enemies are gone. It's tiring and tedious having to go through six LONG levels of repetitious and borderline unevolving combat. I don't want to sound like I hate this game. I really enjoy the franchise. but I expect updates in everything, not just new graphical (unlockable) sprites. Give me some new abilities and possibly Guy's fire palm from FF3, or Cody's tornado attack from SFA3. Though we could've had that in Alpha cody...NO. We have just two stronger versions and no better Haggar...Crap. Not even an Alpha Sodom or Rolento, just their portraits. BAH!
Replay Value: Very ambitious of capcom to ask you to kill a certain (thousand) amount of enemies JUST to unlock four mediocre features in the game that at least one of them SHOULD'VE been unlocked! The 9 lives gig. You can adjust the difficulty though thats kinda pointless seeing that the game offers the same challenge every time. I guess the level select is decent if not for all the levels being the same damn thing. Color changing is incredibly pointless if not for two unlockables that are only slightly stronger. And a rapid punch!? thats an INSULT!
Don't even bother. This game isn't worth anyones time. FFCD is more fun because two player is unlocked by default. No stupid link cables required.