I love Fire Emblem. The games are simply great. Now to clear up some confusion this game came out in Japan before what we know as the first Fire Emblem in the states. This is the six Fire Emblem Game known as Sword of Seals or Sealed Sword. Now that I have done a little info for this game lets review. Lets just hope that you have played a Fire Emblem game before because this game has no Tutorial like the 2 America has to offer. It basically has no learning curb. If you played a Fire Emblem before, experts can jump right in. The combat system is basicly the same as the other 2 GBA Fire Emblems so there is nothing really different and everything feels sort of the same. Im not saying the gameplay is bad, it is really good. You start With only one recognizable character, Roy. All the others just seem like random recolored characters that provide nothing to the plot at all. The game will seem kind of hard to most. Roy is kind of weak for a lord and, if not used correctly, will end up being defeated most of the time. Some stages have you running clear across the map to get certain extra things wich can be a tad annoying. The music is BLAND. The perky battle music we are used to is not here. It seems like there was very little effort put into the battle music and it just does not seem right. Repetitive gameplay will make non-fans get annoyed and only people really wanting this game should get it. If you just getting into Fire Emblem, I suggest buying Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones for the GBA which has more depth and has more replay value.
Good: It has Roy! You know from Super Smash Bros. Melee? Bad: Seems like im playing Fire Emblem with a little downgrade of quality.
Buy this game? Its only in Japan so go ahead if your a Die-Hard fan and know Japanese. But for the rest of us no.
Buy instead: Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (GBA)
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