It's Fire Emblem, what else do you need to know?
FE7 itself is a prequel, infact the story going on in Fuin no Tsurugi haapnes 20 years after the events of Fire Emblem: Rekka no ken (just fire emblem around here)
The main character is Roy, son of Eliwood, also known as a character featured in Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Roy is, as usual, fighting to save his kingdom etc etc.
Although looking at how I described it the story might seem lame-o, it's not. Fire Emblem games are renown for there beatiful storylines, and Fuin no tsurugi will not dissapoint you!
There's not much to say about the graphics or audio, they are all much like the other chapters of the saga.
Hopefully Nintendo will release an elgish version soon enough, for now, you should just import it.
It's EXTREMELY import firendly if you've already played a fire emblem game, bnut it's not if this is your first one.
Check it out if you're a fan of the series!