Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Gameplay Movie 11
Fire Emblem may have taken few risks on its way to the GameCube, but it still turned out great. Find out why.
A ship comes into town, and with it, enemies to fight.
Its a good idea to check your enemy's movements before making your own.
Bethany Massimilla gives an early look at the English version of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
A battle in the woods unfolds here.
Don't miss out on this exciting footage of Fire Emblem for the GameCube.
Take a look at all the titles that Nintendo has lined up for the GameCube in this excerpt from the company's E3 press conference.
It's been going down on the GBA lately, but this year, Fire Emblem makes an appearance on the GameCube.
We lift our swords and head into battle with the English version of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
Localized version of Japanese role-playing game now available for North America; first time series is in 3D.
We take a four-level demo of the upcoming GameCube rendition of the great fantasy-themed strategy RPG series for a test drive.
We spend some time probing the tactical depths of the import Fire Emblem and its many personalities.
We put the GameCube follow-up to one of our all-time-favorite Game Boy Advance games through its paces. Find out how it stacks up.
Nintendo firmly dates the return of its long-running magic strategy series to consoles.
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