Fire Emblem: Path Of Radience is a easy game to recommend, but doesn't differ a lot from previous Fire Emblem games

User Rating: 9 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
- Story
Fire Emblem: PoR story, is about a mercenery company thatgets caught on a political war caused by the invasion of the country where they are. The main character is Ike, the son of the commander of the company Greil (the company is called Greil's Mercenaries). The story unfolds very well, and you'll come across very interesting and well thought characters. Apart from the confrontation between the two nations, the story of PoR also revolves around the two different races that inhabit the continent: the beorc (humans) and the laguz (a race of people who can transform into animals such as birds, tigers and dragons). The beorc and the laguz view each other with mistrust and prejudice. The story ties all the events very well. In my personal opinion, this is one of the best stories on the Fire emblem series.

- Gameplay
The game is divided in chapters. Each chapter contains a map you must clear before moving on to next chapter. each chapter follows the following order: story events, battle preparations, battle (maps) and more story events. Basically, each character has a range of movement and when you move your unit to a specific spot, you'll get a menu with options such as attack, shove, item, staff or just wait. The gameplay is something anyone who played a GBA game would be familiar with, as the game plays almost the same way, for the good or for the bad.

- Graphics
I think one could divide the graphics of this game in different sections: the cinematics, the illustrations, the in battle graphics and the map graphics. The graphics of the cinematics are impressive and very well done. The illustrations are detailed giving each character a distinct look, though isn't as impressive. The in battle graphics are good, but the 3D models of the characters could have been more polished, though its still exciting to watch the battle sequences. The map graphics are probably the less impressive, but it still does its job well. Its easy enough to indentify your units, enemy units and whats important to know about that map.

- Sound
There is some voice acting on the cinematics and they are not bad, though they are not specially good either. I think is good to point out that Mist's (Ike's sister) can be annoying. The music on PoR is actually really good, all fitting right into their places. There is one voiced track that is beautiful and stands out in the soundtrack.

FE:PoR is overall a great game, easy to recommend for its addictive gameplay and great story. The game presents many tutorials that makes the game easy to learn for people who aren't familiar to the series. FE veterans can play this game and enjoy all the gameplay they loved on the GBA games, though it has some additional features. The game also has a great replay value, as you can unlock extra maps to clear with the characters from finished files. Depending on the times you clear the game you can get extra characters (that were non playable on the normal game course) to use on this maps including the final boss. When you clear the game once, you unlock all the cinematics, artwork and soundtrack.