Its Restored My Faith In Tactic Games

User Rating: 7.7 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
Well im not a tactic player i play final fantasy tactics and i was not impressed and after that some other bad tactic game so Fire Emblem really changed my mind good gameplay with good characters. After a while though i found that the battle scenes were pointless and took them off but but chapter 10 theings begin to pivk up and you get caught up in running the mercineries and its fun. The graphics for the cut scenes were awsome not to ambitous but very well made and they fit the game well the story is some what solid but losing characters isn't establsihed from the start. i was under the impression that if a character died they would be back and they weren't they should have told you that in the start but other than that its a good game i recommend it for a great tactics game.