This is one of my new favorite games and for good reasons.It is the greatest strategy game you'll ever play or ever see.

User Rating: 9.2 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
This game is one of the greatest games I have ever played,I love it and play it everyday.But it's not my opinion that counts.In fire emblem:path of radiance you play ike,a young mercenary making his mark in the world . This game features excellent use of strategy combined with one of the most compelling story lines in a game.If you have never played this game you've made a mistake I recommend you pick this up immediately.Overall this game may not be for the non-patient so if you liked final fantasy:tactics then you'll love this game.Like I said I strongly reccomend this game and suggest you at least give it a try so that you can see the highly intising story and the like i said exelent strategy.