Fire Emblem Path of Radiance keeper or sleeper?

User Rating: 8.9 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
Finally a Fire Emblem for the Gamecube at long last. This game has its good and bad points but I'll start with the bad since theres not much. First the 3d graphics are ok but the could have done better, the animations play over and over again and can get quite boring to watch but the critical hits are very nice. Another problem that stuck out was the droped a ability your could do in the gameboy version which is when you look at a chracters information window you could look at the picture of the person whether it be an ally or enemy leader you got a one or two sentece tid bit of information on them. In Path of Radiance you cant which sadend me to see. Those are the only problems i saw with this game now on to the good. First what i fell in love with was the ability to use party experiance to any unit you choose this help keep your units strong enough to be in battle or you can level up your favorites. The only drawback is the units weapon level dos not increase however you can find items that will level up there weapon level. Next on to another great ability to be able to forge your own weapons gives you the power to create the strongest weapons you can have for your favorite units you can names the weapons and put them as your favorite color as well. Another good thing about this game is the stroy line of course, but that is to be expected from the Fire emblem games. The clases are good however you dont get to pick from two choices as in The Sacred Stones (GBA), they make up for that with a whole new species to use the Laguz. Wheather it ba a dragon, cat, or bird all the leguz are fun to use and great to look at. ANother great thing abotu this new installment to the Fire Emblem series is you dont have to have an item to level them up they will level up on there own after level twenty, but there still are master seals that will level units up if there level 10 or higher if you dont want to wait. The music is very good in this game as well its nice to listen too and always fite the situation. The last thing i ish to comment on is the skills in this Fore Emblem. Now you are able to add skills to your charater if that skill fite there class this alows you to give some cutomization to your characters which gives good replay value to the game. One important thing i almost forgot were the cut scenes the graphincs are great and though they are few you may want to play again just to see them. So overall i give this game a 9.4 and i have to say its a definate keeper.