Best RPG for Nintendo to Date
User Rating: 9.1 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
Many Nintendo-made made RPGs have been made this year, and all of them seem to have the same concept. The newest one though, Fire Emblem, is different, down to the races and battle engine. The details of all the classes and they're strengths and weaknesses are so finely tuned that most different classes are different and dont have the same characteristics. The game is very lengthy, and its not so hard, but it can get frustrating when you start losing all your soilders. The in-game graphics are semi-descent and the cutscenes(Only 6 of them in the game) are cool, but they look a bit etchy. All in all, Fire Emblem: Path of Radience is a great game and is a must have for all Gamecube owners.