Great. A great game, definitely one of the best strategy RPGs. In the best strategy RPG series. Just a great game.
The graphics are gorgeous when you set battles to zoomed-in mode. Being on the Gamecube, the graphics aren't that great, but the animations are very fluid, and you don't really notice that the graphics aren't quite as good as other consoles, unless you're one of those idiots who buys games just for the graphics. If you are, please go buy a barbie game for the 360. Enjoy.
The sound is pretty good. The score is great, but i found that the Fire Emblem theme was almost missing. It's only there about 10 minutes into "the main theme." So i docked it a point for that, because the Fire Emblem theme is quite good. Lack of speech is like buttermilk, either you love it or you hate it. Zelda is another game like this. Personally, i like it without, but not in all games. It makes you imagine what they sound like, ergo, they sound exactly like you want them to. With such a multitude of characters, if they had speech, you would find at least a few people who's voices you didn't like.
Value is great. This is one of those games you play over and over. ive played it 3 times. im normally not the kind of person who plays games more than once, so that is saying a lot.
I tilted it maximum because this game immerses you into it. All the characters (not in-engine, during conversations and such) are hand-drawn, and they look great. They are very developed, with unique personalities. What's even better are supports. Basically, they are conversations you unlock by having 2 people in X amount of battles together (and you can unlock 42 different characters, i think, and only have around 14 of them in the bigger battles) I think supports are supposed to boost their stats or something (hence the term "support") but i never bothered to figure it out. But getting to the point, you get supports for the people you use in battles. So if you play the game again, using different characters, you can unlock their supports, etc. Its quite immersive.
In summary, this is just a great game. I wouldn't recommend it to an action game fan, because this is turn based. (duh *rolls eyes*) I would recommend it to RPG fans, strategy fans, even RTS fans. Wait- *thinks* -okay, i would recommend this game to anybody. Everbody. Just a great game.