Nothing much new here, but this game executes well. Fire Emblem games always do.
If you have played fire emblem, you know what to expect. It is the same as usual, with a few twists. However, for newcomers I will go over the basic system of fire emblem games to tell you what this game does different. Fire Emblem is a turn based stategy rpg similar to FF tactics. If you ever played shining force, it is almost identical to those games. There are several types of characters in FE games who can level up at level 10, it is usually a good idea to raise them to level 20 before leveling up for stats reasons though. There are 3 basic weapons; swords, axes, and spears. In a rock paper scissors type fashion, swords beat axes, axes beat spears, and spears beat swords. By "beat," I mean have an advantage over, because it is not always that black and white. Stonger characters can overcome a disadvantage in weapons. There is this same type of system with magic as well. Yes, it sounds simple, but the strategy in Fire emblem games is un matched and you have to try one to see how fun it really is. Another little detail is that when a character dies, they die. No reviving characters, this is more realistic and it makes the game more challenging. Yes, it can be frustrating, but don't be turned away from these game because of that.
Like fire emblem stones, this game has friendship levels characters can achieve with each other. However in this game you don't have to be standing beside someone else to gain points with them, both characters just have to be on the field of battle at the same time. In this game all buying/selling, conversations, and other non battle stuff take place outside of battle, also more convenenient. The most unique addition in this game are the laguz though, which and people who can transform into animals. When in animal form they are very powerful, but that time is limited, and when they are human they are helpless. Overall I don't think Laguz are very good characters, save one or two, but they are extremely important to the story and therefore the game. Graphics: 8
This is where this game is lacking the most. I personally preferred the graphics of the gameboy, they made the combat look more impressive. The 3D graphics in this game are sort of rough, and definitely below Game Cube standards. However there is still lots of good art in the game and the cutscenes are well done.
Sound: 9
Not much to say here. The music is good, sound-effects are solid, and the limited voice acting is above average. This is not the best sound ever, but it does the job very well.
Value: 9
This game should run you about 40-50 hours. It is a good amount of time and a lot happens in that time. There are not a lot of things to do besides the main quest, but that is not a big deal. This game is definitely worth the 20$ price tag on it right now.
Tilt: 9
The story in this game is fantastic just like all other fire emblems. It kept me interested from start to finish. And like all fire emblems it has a huge cast of characters which are all interesting and with lots of back story on them. The only reason I gave this game in 9 in tilt is because I don't feel the story was as good as the other installments in the series. With that being said, I enjoyed every minute of this game and just like all Fire Emblems the strategy was as intelligent and as fun as ever.
Fire Emblem path of Radiance succeeds the same way all fire emblems do. The story is great, the cast of characters are interesting, and the strategy kept me entertained the whole way through. With confidence I can suggest this game and all the other fire emblem games to anyone who even casually plays strategy rpgs.