Incredible Gameplay

User Rating: 9.6 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
This game like most Fire Emblem games has both fun gameplay and a good plot. The story progresses at the perfect pace to allow you to gather even deeper information about the world of Fire Emblem and also about Ike's families past.

The only problem that I could find with this game is like its predecessors Fire Emblem: path of Radiance lacks involvement from the player. By that I meen there are no decisions you get to make outside of the battle feild. It is not necessarily a bad thing unless this sort of thing bothers you.

Some great things about this game are that you carry merchants with your group so you can buy Items at the end of a battle. This saves alot of time and takes away a major nuisance of stoping in the middle of a battle feild and buying Items. Also with your merchants there is a special shop that allows you to make custom Items. One of the best parts about the game are the cinematics. Least to say they are incredible.

This game does the Fire Emblem series right and gives it great credit.