Fire Emblem is a unique, fresh and a fun RPG experience.

User Rating: 8 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
Fire Emblem is a unique, fresh and a fun RPG experience. With 30 chapters, a lengthy story and hidden items and characters to aquire, this RPG is worth a buy to many hardcore RPG fans.
The game has a unique and fun battle system, of course if it wasn't, this game wouldn't be good since the whole game is battling. You'll get a huge pack of party members with thier own special techniques which keeps the player interested to keep playing to the end.
A bad thing to say about this game is the graphics. Lets just say they could have been much better. Although there are a scatter CG video to make up for it.
The soundtrack has a epic score to it which is very suitable to the gameplay experience but the SFX could have been better as well.
Overall Fire Emblem: path of Radience is a solid RPG with a lengthy and fun
story and gameplay that should apeal to all core RPG fans.
I give this game a 8.0 out of 10. ONLY ON GAMECUBE! GO NINTENDO!!!