dont listen to the gamestop rewiew. it is way to harsh. read right here.
User Rating: 10 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
so i have absolutly loved the fire emblem for like, 5 or 6 years. it all started when they made it for the GBA. ever since, i loved it. but i read the gamespot rewiew before i bought it, just to see what they thought of the game. and kind of scared me cause of how horrible they made it sound. knowing in my trust in the series, i took a chance and bought it. one word i could use to desribe it with......EXCELENT!!!!!! the story was not boring at all, it keept me playing through the game without bordom. and, in the gamespot rewiew, they absolutly could not stress the dificultly level of the game. i had absolutly NO problem, exept that "the silver-haired maden" died, but that was my fault cause i forget to give her an herb. ;0
it was no different in difficulty between the GBA and gamecube verion. i absolutly LOVE how powerful your allies are when they join you in your quest.
i could sit here and just continue and continue to say great things about this awesome game, but i am gunna be late for hockey practice, so i really got to go, but i recommend this game to absolutly anyone, even if this would be ur first time playin the series.