Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a perfect game for the Wii.
But now on to my reveiw, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, is a strategy battle RPG kind of game where you have to control every player of your Team and try and beat the other team, the main leader of this game is a Silver haired girl named Micaiah is the so called Commander of your gruop and then there is also another Team member that is called Sloth, he is a very skilled member of your team, and mostly never gets hit, so use him as much as possable, and then there is also Nolan, Edward, and Leonardo, who you start with at the beginning, so now that the team is set how about we talk alittle bit about this game.
Well there is this army called The Dawn Brigade, who takes over your Army's land, and it up to you as Micaiah, and the rest to try and stop them from take your army's land and you out, as the game goes on you get more members and more people helping you.
Ofcouse I won't say how it ends but I will say that this game is alot more fun then gamespot wants you to think it is, but other then that I will say that this is the frist Fire Emblem that have played, and I reallly liked it alot .