simply amazing, dont believe the reviews.
fire emblem takes place three years after POR, and has u controlling sothe and micaiah who are trying to save daein from begnion clutches. As u pogress u will play as different characters like queen elincia and Ike from the first game. many old characters and maps will appear from the old game, but many new ones will also appear.
Fire emblem is a strategy RPG game, and its an amazing one. It has simple rock paper sisscors mechanics, simple but deep customization, memorable characters and is very addicting. though it is very hard, the new addition to save mid-battle makes it have a less higher level of difficulty than POR (but radiant dawn is still quiet diffucult).
the storyline is on par with POR, which was ok, but there are plenty of better video game stories.
while playing ull find urself completley emmersed in the battles, always tring to figure out the best way to defeat ur enemy. And of course the , ur character theyre gone for good, approach is still in the game, making your characters seem very important. And sometimes through the game, there are parts that are made extremely easier if u sacrifice a character, which is ok because some of the characters are useless.
the graphics are, sadly, terrible. though u wont really care that much, the character models are clunky and look outdated. but the CG movies are gorgeous. they are a blast to watch, and feels like ur watching a real movie.
i wish all the cut scenes were animated like this, but sadly, they arent.
this game will last u aproximitly 25 to 50 hours depending on ur diffuculty and skill level. If u enjoyed the game as much as i did, ull want to go through the game again to see how else u could beat certain levels and see how good different characters are.
in conclusion, i love this game. it doesnt improve to much on POR, but POR was a great game so there is no real need to change it. If this is you're first fire emblem, its a great buy, but i suggest u get POR first to get a better feel for the story and characters and since radiant dawn is more difficult then POR.