Don't Believe gamespot, they got this plain wrong, I maybe review it to high, but I need to restore the names honor!!

User Rating: 10 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
6??!!!! This is a freeking joke, it isn't even funny O_O common, I mean the plot is awesome, it's new, the videos (as few as they are) are amazingly well made, as good as halo 3 wich was also really fun-- but I'm not talking about halo for today. I play fire emblem and seriously, I don't even see the difference in difficulty with the other one--- COMON-- you can SAVE your battle in the middle of the fight and start back to that point, each time you don't like what happened -- HOW CAN IT BE ANY EASIER--- shure you need strategies but if your not to experienced just choose the easy mode

--Same turn-based strategy and same weapon triangle (axe, sword, lance) and two magic triangles (wind, fire, thunder and light, dark, anima). Even the old characters come back (all but one) and plenty of new ones. The story is verry good but the only point of the story I can understand they took points off is your understanding depends on if you played the previous game, BUT, THEY DO EXPLAIN IT ANYWAYS, so it doesn't really matter...--

How could they have wanted to use wii senses--- ITS A STRATEGY GAME--- we'd only get tired at pointing at screen all the time for nothing...

anyways, I think that if you liked the previous you NEED this one, it's just hours and hours of fun! if you never tried it, at least rent it--You won't be deceived I garantue it!