Fire Emblem still hasnt walked into the next gen era

User Rating: 7 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
This game can be summed up into a couple of words wtf... its a great game for people who have time on their hands and like those kind of games where you just play by yourself. There of course is many problems with this games. It is obviously to hard for people who are inexperienced with tactic video games and of course they punish you to hard if one of your characters dies, they go away forever making you want to restart cause you get attached to the character who died and then just starting the stage all over again. This game also makes 0 use of the wiimote just holding it sideways to play. Lacks a lot in depth to the game with simple weapons and lvl up system that simply lets your characters grow in a way you choose other characters over the other. Graphics are just blah, they look like they came strait from the gamecube, except for the cutscenes that show up rarely This game is long, i mean extremley long. Has a great story that you probably won't catch cause there is no voice acting, just text, not including their pretty cutscenes that rarely show up. Overall it's a game not worth the 50 dollar price tag so wait a while if you want it or borrow it from a friend if he or she has it.