As soon as i got this game, i was engrossed by the story line, the characters, and the combat.
I borrowed this game from a friend when I was about 9, and i was extremely addicted to it. I couldn't put it down. I could read very well by then and I thought the storyline was bordering on amazing. The characters are very well balanced, but there are two superior units: the paladin and the general. It was tough at first to learn of all the different characters that you could enlist, but i got all of them. I got to the very last boss (which took about 30 hours), and mistakedly attacked the Boss with Erika. I almost screamed when she died. I was so pissed off.
It was a long time since then and i just got that game as a birthday present. I replayed Erika's storyline and got to the same boss. I went in smart this time and ended up only losing one character who was my only casualty in the whole game. Anyway this is an Immersive game as you can see, and i would recommend it to everyone who has ever played a video game.