It rocks, granted i miss having the story from the first, but this one still has the glorious value of it's predacessor.

User Rating: 8.8 | Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA
Behold yet antoher fire emblem game that is easy to get hooked on. This one is alittle more chatty then the last one, but the story is beautiful over all. The intrduction of three new classes is great too. You can train a pre mage warrior or knight, i loved that. The Manatake, great people as well. I truly do like this new sequal and i hope other people do too. This one is also a bit more diffcult then the last Fire Emblem, i found it that way at least. Only one downside, The characters don't have there own little detailed animations like they did before, Joshua has no hat when he attacks...