Review: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

User Rating: 9 | Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA
Review: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is the second game in the popular turn based strategy RPG franchise to hit the GBA

You play as the one of two noble youth of the country of Renalis whom must flee their home land after is invaded by a nation that had been thought to be its closest ally. Each character has their own rich and detailed story, and sub-stories that make you care about each character.

Graphics: Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones Look just as good as it's predecessor, and are almost fully identical, so I will restate what I said for my review of the original, while by no means the best looking game on the platform, however the visuals are adequate enough to carry the game through, animations are excellent and fun to watch, and the large anime stills are very well done, dialogue episodes are done well and are fluid like most cut scenes.

The Music is also as good as it was in the first game, which means that the music is well above many of the titles on the GBA. The music has been more varied this time around and fix any complains I had about the original Fire Emblem's Music.

Control is what you would expect in a turn based strategy/tactics game with a few new hitches in the game play, but this is a unique experience for the GBA. The game is easy to learn, and pick up. The auto save feature is a good thing for gamer on the go, and will take you back to the last turn executed.

Game play: What has made this series interesting is that the game plays like a mix of Advance Wars, and Tactics Ogre, and does a wonderful job of it, Fire Emblem is easy to pick up, and nigh impossible to master especially if you want to keep all of your troops alive. Fortunately this time around you have more chances to level your solders up making it your own fault if your solder dies, rather, so you don't have to baby sit a low level character through a mission in which they are necessary

Over all the Design is Great Deep and fun. The world is big, the battles are good and require you to think before you move, the menus are easy to use and maneuver through, and the characters are all involving. There are a lot of missions to complete, and different campaigns to go through, and many new and different weapons add to the repeatability.

I recommend this game highly to anyone whom has a GBA or a DS that likes role-playing games, strategy games, or tactics games, heck I just recommend this game, rush out and buy it now!

Fire Emblem:

Good overall design
Easy to lean controls
Long replayability
All of my gripes about Fire Emblem are fixed

One mistake can still prove fatal