Fire Emblem is an amazing game that delivers everything that a fire emblem fan wants.

User Rating: 10 | Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA
Fire Emblem is game based on a war where this big country grado invades renais and it's based on the adventure of these two siblings and how they stop this evil madness. The game is actually long if you play thruuogh everything including bonus missons. There is also a point in the game where you can choose which path you want to take Eirika(the sister) or Ephraim( the brother). If you combine both paths and all the unlockables you could have a huge amount of gameplay.

In terms of graphics this game shows a very nice artistic design and menu styles. Also each character in your party looks different. The enemies also are very well designed and each map is different in it's own way. The audio is awesome. You have great music for every scene. The battle sequences are cool and i also found it cool that when a character dies he's or she is daed for good which make the player more careful and use strategy becuase there's an auto save for every move you make so you better play wisely because the hard ai is way harder.

The ai in this game is great they don't do stupid glichy things like in some other games. When your playing on hard the ai is really smart and will hit your weakest units and use everything it has to its advantage. This is one of the best ai in a turn based strategy game. Another great thing is a wide array of weapons from killer lances to black magic. Almost every weapon is unique. A big part of the gameplay is leveling up and changing classes. There are alot of classes and different types of units each with it's own unique abilities and stats.

This game is a very good one and your bound to like it there's a lot to do even though it's a story you can also play this combat arena with your units from the story againts an ai or friend. You should really try this great game because your bound to like it some way.